You may like to know how we handle information we receive from you like your personal data which includes (your name, home or office address, telephone number, e-mail address) and your other data.

These data are data to be used to define you and your access to our services and site. We do not send or share these data with third parties rather we use all information we received from you to process your account.

We may use the information also to send you information about products and services that we think might interest you. However, if you don’t want us to be sending you information on products and services, you can send request to us by e-mail at [email protected] to stop sending information regarding products and services to you and we will stop sending you information immediately after receiving your request by e- mail. The protection of your data is our high priority.

One other thing you should know is that just like many other websites, we may use (cookies) to receive and store certain types of information we obtain from you whenever your browser accesses our website. We do not process your credit card, debit card, Pay pal or any other payment rather our bank does that for us. We have no access to them.

We advices you to always log out after accessing our website or platform to avoid third parties having access to your account or to your computer.

We may be updating this Privacy from time to time, therefore we advices you to always check for new updates in our privacy.

The updating will not have any effect in data security of our users rather it will help to improve the data security and make it more effective.
If you have any concern about our privacy, please send us e-mail at [email protected] and let us know about it. If your concern is useful to us, we will accept your request and work towards it as quick as possible. You can also send us post to our addresses below;

DatalinkAmakor Mission
Amakor Autonomous Community
Njaba LGA
Imo State Nigeria